Can an NGO have two TAN Nos?

Dear friends,

May I raise some query as under:

An NPO (NGO, having its registered office in Delhi has a TAN. Recently a project based in Delhi was started under the same NGO. Is it all right for the project to have separate TAN? If it does, how is the IT return and TDS matters handled at the organisation level?

Glad to have your input.

Thank you.

Finance Director,
Emmanuel Hospital Association,
808/92, Nehru Place,
New Delhi. PIN 110019

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4 Responses to Can an NGO have two TAN Nos?

  1. T. Kaithang says:

    Dear friends,

    Thank you for the advices on TAN.

    Finance Director,
    Emmanuel Hospital Association,

  2. Colombowala Zulkef says:

    TAN or PAN number is alloted on basis of identity and not project wise. You could keep account in your book projectwise. More than on TAN no. is not advisable or possible.

  3. B V Soma Sastry says:

    Dear Mr. Kaithang,

    So far as I understand, one organization is given one TAN registration. You can us the same TAN number and deduct the TDS from you project office also.

    Secondly, paymnets for any transactions attracting TDS can be made from your Head Office and this will be easy while remitting the TDS amount as well as at the time of filing quarterly returns.

    Thanks and regards,

    B V Soma Sastry

  4. Dear Sir,

    Greetings from Caritas India!

    One registered NGO/NPO one TAN no is enough



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