Dear Friends,
Fundamental Right to freedom which includes speech and expression, assembly, association or union or cooperatives, movement, residence, and right to practice any profession or occupation (some of these rights are subject to security of the State, friendly relations with foreign countries, public order, decency or morality), right to life and liberty, right to education, protection in respect to conviction in offences and protection against arrest and detention in certain cases.
- Therefore, is it mandatory to legally register a Voluntary Organisation?
- Is it in turn mandatory to Renew our registered Voluntary Organisation every year as stipulated in A.P.Public Societies Registration Act?
- Do we cease to exist, if we do not?
- If an organisation is in hibernation for couple of years or for different reasons do not renew the Registration of an organisation we can get it condoned and renewal made retrospectively. But, is it the discretion of the Registrar or an entitlement? Is there any time limitation?
- What is in different States?
- What are the implication if we DO and DO NOT?
Chatti Mahatma Gandhi Aashramam,
Chatti Post, Chinthur Mandal, Khammam District,
Andhra Pradesh, Pin Code: 507129.
Dear All, 8th April 2014
At the outset, I want to share my understanding that it is our non negotiable fundamental right and we need to register in our own interest to resolve any dispute among members ONLY or with whom we enter into an agreement.
Yes, there are income tax and other laws which as Citizens- meaning here association should comply if we come to that bracket and therefore we register.
But, at the core can we hold the following views:
The Local Self Governance.- The Institutional Sector we need to relate and FOCUS
To elaborate … … …
As a cross reference lead to our approach, we quote few paragraphs from the newspaper The Hindu, Dated: 30th February 2008 an article captioned Situating the State in Rural India, by Sri.V.K.Nataraj, Former Director and Sri.G.S.Ganesh, Assistant Professor of Madras Institute of Development studies, Chennai…these are in fact excerpts from a study made by them to understand citizen-State matrix.
“The state is at best a necessary evil and at worst a corrupt and inefficient system. We can easily do without it and run the country on corporate lines. This will help avoid the dirtiness of politics.”
“Such sentiments often resonate in the air today. These are the voices of the rising middle classes and the free market brigade. For reasons unrelated to their ‘logic,’ they can claim some academic support.”
“How do Citizen relate to State…. In the last decade and a half, panchayaths have secured constitutional status. Participation, transparency and accountability that make possible genuine democracy are now increasingly looked upon as major ingredients of good governance”
“The Picture that emerges is the following. Panchayaths as institutions of local Government are certainly much more in the public eye today than, say, a decade or two ago. But the trajectory of development and the degree to which panchayaths are empowered, depends a good deal on the socio-political context.”
Chatti Mahatma Gandhi Aashramam,
Chatti Post, Chinthur Mandal, Khammam District,
Andhra Pradesh, Pin Code: 507129.
Dear Mr. Chandrasekaran,
Greetings from Hyderabad!
I have seen the mail from you and it seems very interesting but then there is no alternative to the law of the land.
1. There is no mandate to legally register a voluntary organization. Charitable activities can be done without registration of the organization. In such a case we should not expect institutional support from donors as seeking funds through that route would mean that the organizations should all the legal requirements.
2. Yes, in AP it is mandatory to get renewed each year. The NGO has to submit the copies of the audit reports, GB minutes along with the list of office bearers and a prescribed fee (around Rs. 300) each year.
3. I am not sure if we cease to exist in case we do not get the renewal each year. I understand that there is a clause to condone the delay and a fine is imposed on the NGO for late renewal. It again depends of the RoS as to what view he/she takes on a particular case.
4. This is answered in the previous point 3.
5. Each state has its own norms so far as the renewal is concerned. The Act is not uniform but the guiding document seems to the Society Registration Act 1860.
6. The implications are as discussed above.
Thanks and regards,
B V Soma Sastry
Dear Sir,
We are keen to be part of your on-going activities.
Saket,New Delhi-110030
Director, Economic Development Trust,
Dear Dr. P.K.Verma,
We have an ongoing all year camp cum campaign. YOUTH FOR REJUVENATION IN DANDAKARANYA. WELCOME. The details if you need write to my mail, but already posted.
My introduction is:
I am V. B. Chandrasekaran, living in Chatti Mahatma Gandhi Aashramam in Chinthur Mandal of Khammam District, Andhra Pradesh.
I started way back in 1973 with the concept of developing an agricultural tribal township in the area. My dream was to create a commune of Adivasi youth with visiting urban youth participating in rural development that could be replicated by the village communities around.
During the past one decade many of the projects came to closure and experienced active members left the organizations initiated by me during these years. Today the region has thousands of native Adivasi youth who are literate and only a few of them are employed. This is distinctly different from the scenario in 70s, 80s and 90s when our organization was very active undertaking a number of projects. Unfortunately, today most of this youth are unemployed and they often find themselves inadequate in modern life skills. The disillusionment is both around lack of new avenues of livelihood in the area as well as the challenges they face when they migrate to urban centres. Thus, I am facing a void to enthuse right ‘Human Resource’. We have relatively large infrastructure and ground level contacts/influence to take many activities. I also see the sub altern- the marginalized Adivasi youth at least in Bhadrachalam division have not grown to first hand voice their concerns more because inadequacy of language and computer skills.
I am looking for ideas and support to rejuvenate traditional wisdom and independent communities in synergy with modern times. My core interest and focus is in the field of education and skill creation such that the local youth can settle and succeed locally and globally. My long rage activity plan is to be able to get some these youth to study and find solutions to conflict and violence ridden Chattisgarh state from where a large number of families have fled into Andhra Pradesh and became ‘Internally Displaced Persons’.
Going back on my personal experience, I see a possibility and need for urban youth to again plunge not to develop but to reverse the flow of young people from the area.
I feel alone and can I have one or couple to join me in our Aashramam. If you believe this cause is worthy cause, I need your support to me and our activities in whatever manner possible, suggest ideas to meet my mission and encourage yourself and friends- Youth and Students to visit our Ashram and enrich our activities.
I also need small contributions on a recurring basis since we are avoiding support from Funding Agencies. I want to be fully Independent in the coming years and couple of decades and remain accountable only to the local communities.
Chatti Mahatma Gandhi Aashramam,
Chatti Post, Chinthur Mandal, Khammam District,
Andhra Pradesh, Pin Code: 507129.
Dear Friends,
Season’s and SriRamaNavami Greetings from Delhi!
1. Even Gandhiji did not mean one could enjoy freedom unhindered when he said, “freedom connotes freedom to err”. One enjoys freedom and fundamental rights as per laws of the land.
2. Does the law recognize the term “voluntary organization”! – it is either registered society or a trust or a non-profit under Companies Act. In some States a Trust should be registered under both Trusts Act and Societies Act. Is it not? Practitioners may kindly throw more light on the issue. A State wise comparative matrix of legal requirements with one additional column indicating common central provisions as a kind of ready reckoner may be brought out by SRRF.
3. Statutory / legal compliance, an essential component of accountability and transparency, is inescapable. Else, one runs the risk of getting de-registered.
With best wishes and regards,
Registration matters only if you are looking for some funds.
Anybody who would like to fund you, govt or not, will need to ensure that you are registered and have accounts audited duly.
But if your voluntaryness will not be affected in any way: voluntaryness is about your choice to exist and your freedom to choose what you want to do. For that there is no need for registration, so long as your activity is withing the parameters of “association without weapons” as per the Constitution of India.
Gilbert Rodrigo.