Dear Members
We have following query:-
Can a person be a executive committee member in more than one FCRA
registered organization ? In one association , he is chief functionary and in
second confederation , vice president. Now confederation while applying for
changing its name has asked all office bearers to file undertaking on
Will there be any issues if the same persons file the affidavit from two or
more FCRA registered associations?
Sudeep Goyal
You are right, Mr Mittal. I would suggest signing an indemnity and warranty letter with the Trustees to protect the interest of the entity. While MCA has specified forms to gather disclosures on disqualitications of directors at the beginning of each fiscal year, trusts and societies still remain at the mercy of internal controls exercised by the Finance and or Risk Assurance teams.
I am of the same opinion. In case there is some issue with one organization where one is member the other organization will also get effected..
I fully agree with the response of Mr. Subhash Mittal.
One person can be a member as many organisations. There are no limitations. A person can file two declarations, as the person than is taking responsibility under two organisations.
However practical experience is that if IB finds some issues against a Trustee in one organisation, than all other organisations where s/he may be member may get impacted.