Travel from foreign agency – Local or FCRA ?

Dear SRRF Members

I have received reimbursement of abroad travel expenses towards attend the project workshop., Kindly suggest the amount which type treat Local or FCRA and where deposit FC Bank account or Local account.


Sunil K Suryavanshi

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9 Responses to Travel from foreign agency – Local or FCRA ?

  1. Subhash Mittal says:


    I have a alternative view. Question when one considers FCRA fund, one should look at the definition of Foreign Contribution, which basically is defined as ‘donation, delivery or transfer made by any foreign source of any currency, whether Indian of foreign’ .

    Based on this definition, any currency transferred by a foreign source to an association (for whatever purpose) should be treated as Foreign Contribution and be deposited in FCRA account, unless of course the reimbursement is to an individual.

    subhash mittal

  2. shaju says:

    I hope we have to consider from where you have taken advance for your travel and other expenses related to this trip. If it is from FC fund then it should be deposited to FCA/c otherwise it will be local A/c

  3. B V Soma Sastry says:

    I would look it at this way:
    1. You have booked the tickets on your own and now the donor is reimbuirsing the amount, then it can go to your personal account irrespective of it being a FC or LC funds.

    2. In case office has given you an advane for the travel, then the reimbuirsment should go to the account / project from where the advance was provided

  4. I would like o give my comments as under;
    This is right, if we have spent the money from FC Account for Trvaelling abroad, the reimbursement should go with FC designated bank account.
    If we have not spent any money from FC, it is not required to deposit the same with FC designated account. It should go to any local bank account.
    It is also mentioned in the material that there is no requirement for deposit the money of reimbursement or any consulatncy receipt from the funding agency abroad and receipt under FCRA.

  5. Sujatha Sunil says:

    Dear All,

    The following is my views on the Travel from foreign agency.

    Normally the reimbursement of travel expenses not come under FCRA and this should be deposit in your local Bank A/c only. But if the Project funded by a foreign agency and the expenses is part of the budget, and you spent from FCRA A/c, in that case you have to deposit the same in your FCRA A/c only.

    Thanks & regards

    Sujatha Sunil
    Finance Analyst
    Room To Read India Trust
    E-18A, East of Kailash
    New Delhi – 110 065
    Phone No. 011- 42 42 55 36

  6. Valan Caritas says:

    Dear Sir,


    Thanks for your mail.

    As per your mail you have recd travel reimbursement for you spend on travel.

    When you book the ticket ,it was booked by your office or you booked your own money.
    Are you working in NGO or any private company.If you are working in NGO your ticket also booked by your office with FC money because you are attended the training abroad,hence you can deposit the money to FC account.If your org is booked the ticket from L.C account ,even then you have to deposit in the F.C. account .

    If you are booked your own you can deposit your account .



  7. Dibya Ranjan Pothal says:

    Dear Sunil

    If you are getting your personal expenses reimbursed then you can deposit in your account. but if its relates to organisation,from which account you had paid/used the money it should be deposited into that account.

    for example-If you had used your organisation fC money towards attending the workshop. the reimbursement money should go to that account.

    Hope this clarifies…


  8. Shivdutt Sharma says:

    Dear Sir,

    This is FCRA Money, Only you can treat and deposit in FCRA account for purpose of audit FCRA Rule.


  9. Anup Khosla says:

    Who reimbursed? If the foreign donor then FCRA

    Anup Khosla
    Sent from my iPhone

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