Re-appointment of first trustees with the Charity Commissioner

Dear Sir/Madam,

Need your help.

We are registered on 24/12/2008 under Bombay Charitable Trust Act and like to know whether we have to file for re-appointment of first trustees with the Charity Commissioner.



Arvind Balamkar
Finance Associate
for TeachForIndia

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4 Responses to Re-appointment of first trustees with the Charity Commissioner

  1. Manoj Pathak says:

    this is a common problem, but the cause should always he higher

    Manoj Pathak

  2. Asif Zaidi says:

    dear sir I have too some confusions

    can we remove settler of the trust from trustee ship if he is not attending meetings and cooperating it is mentioned in the deed that if nay one dose not attend consecutive two meetings he can be removed by the board of trustee

    and if yes do we need to inform any one about the change

    M Asif Zaidi
    Executive Director & Managing Trustee
    Sir Syed Trust (SST)
    Block M-5, Flat No 4/20, Ashiana Angan Colony,
    Bhiwadi, Alwar, Rajasthan, INDIA
    Pin code 301019
    Mob 9928687819
    Office 01493-244201 (Land line )
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  3. Dr. Kiran Modi says:

    I too have a query. In case of appointment of rotatory Trustees, for a Trust, where does one inform and how do the Trustees are registered?

    Shall be grateful for the answer.

    Dr. Kiran Modi

    Managing Trustee
    Udayan Care
    16/97a, ist floor, Vikram Vihar,
    Lajpat Nagar IV,
    New Delhi 110024
    Tel: +91 11 46548105, 06;
    mobile: 098101 32736; 098105 09654
    alternate email:;

  4. N.M.VALAN says:

    Dear Sir,

    Yes you have to inform.This is new appointment .For the organization reapportionment.As per the rule their term is over and reapportionment from new period effect will takes place

    Manager- Admn.Finance
    Caritas India,CBCI Centre,1 Ashok Place,Gole Dakkanna,New Delhi – 110 001

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