Last date for posting comments on Draft CSR Rules approaching fast

As the last date for submitting response in regards to the proposed changes in “CSR Rules” is approaching fast (28th March 2020), It is requested please do post your comment at the earliest.

SRRF has posted comment on MCA portal. Please visit the following link to get copy of the same for your reference.

Comments have to be submitted for each rule, so having a pre-prepared document ready at hand will facilitate posting the comments.

SRRF appeals to everyone associated with the Sector to post comments, since more number of comments would force the Govt to reconsider this rule which will impact resources of the Voluntary Sector in a major adversarial way.

Socio Research & Reform Foundation (NGO)
512 A, Deepshikha, 8 Rajendra Place, New Delhi – 110008

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14 Responses to Last date for posting comments on Draft CSR Rules approaching fast

  1. Balaraj J M says:

    The selfless service provided by registered Trusts and Societies reach the grass-root levels of communities with intellectually challenged children are unmatched. Many of the projects being implemented by these Societies & Trusts are long term community interventions and need active governmental support and corporate partnerships.
    Community participation is a critical factor for the success of any community intervention and the strong rapport with the communities that many of these Societies & Trusts enjoy has naturally been built over years of working at the grass-root level.
    Not a good move to withdraw such support as it will be the disabled and disadvantaged people that will suffer the most.

  2. Non Governmental Organizations are are working hard to improve the quality of life of poor and downtrodden by several programs. These are responsible to fill the gaps where Government is unable to penetrate. These organizations depend solely on the donations from the public, small and big, but the support from CSR funds is vital for them to organize their activities without any break.
    Most of the donations are not regular and getting them is not an easy task. Moreover, for the sustenance of the projects CSR funds are essential and the Government should encourage them to seek CSR funds. Before they give the green signal they should evaluate the programs and understand the impact on the welfare of the beneficiaries. These NGOs are having a great impact on the development of the marginalized communities and it is essential for the progress of this great country.
    Without the access to CSR funds many NGOs will not be able to continue their humanitarian work for the benefit of the rural and tribal communities. Hence we request the Government to consider this request and revoke the order so that NGOs will have access to CSR funds in order to continue their projects.
    Thank you for considering our request.

  3. CSR Fund is essential for the NGOs and Trust in our developing country to stand by the community people deserving support to survive.So,I propose to rethinking about the act and allow Corporate financial support to the organisations as usual for performing works of community development and help the people in distress.

  4. Rajendra Sikandar says:

    NGO. Means non govern ment organization. Strong regulation restrict their movement. Yes if the govt. Is sponsoring any programme than there is the responsibilities to adhere certain lules. The NGO should act tratransperently for which they should post there work on there website n social media.

  5. Nikhil Pant says:

    CSR Rules comments/feedback date extended to 10 April 2020

  6. Bhakta Purkait says:

    Till in our country NGO/CBO implementing hues work for the poor and backward people . So, functioning this regular activities CSR fund is very much required for the Societies and Trust.

  7. Subhash Mittal says:

    As you may all be aware that Finance Bill 2020 has now become law, that means all NGOs have to apply for re-validation and renewal of S.12AA & 80G registrations. As the Sector took up the issue too late with the Govt, and there was no time for changes. So, once again I appeal to all, please do post your comments, if you consider denying ‘societies & trusts’ CSR funds is wrong and must be reversed. Until and unless there is a strong pressure on Govt that this move could severely impact employment particularly in rural areas, where sometimes an NGO is the only employer. So please post, if you require any assistance, you may contact SRRF Coordiantor on 93501 84168.

  8. upmanyu patil says:

    exclusion of trust and societies is not a good decision
    need to consider
    still i feel the revision is adding section 8 companies
    and ngos are eligible

  9. Mohd. Raza Mohammed. says:

    It is a well known fact that the Private sector & NGOs, CBO are playing a major role in the grass root level social service to the Under privileged at Rural & Urban and they are 3/4 times more than the PSU & other Government Sectors working employees.

    Under this situation, With out NGO/CBOs it would be very difficult to implement the projects to the satisfactory level for the well being of the needy people in the gross root level which has a strong net work and community participation.

  10. Kuldip Chand says:

    Most of Small NGOs working at grass root level and they are working for people who are living in sub human conditions die to lack of sources. These NGOs provide Education, Health Services, Women Empowerment etc. Under CSR Funds these eligible NGOs are implementing these type activities, so its need to simplify process of CSR Funds for NGOs especially working at grass root level. If Govt. change in policy about use of CSR funds then it will affect the social activities. So at this time its time to effectively implement CSR Funds through NGOs.

  11. Neeraj Mehta says:

    The geographical reach of the grass-root organizations, typically registered as Societies & Trusts, as also their understanding of community sensitivities, cannot be easily matched. Many of the projects being implemented by these Societies & Trusts are long term community interventions and corporate partnerships / support are imperative to continue with the mandate for realizing the overarching goals & objectives.
    Community participation is a critical factor for the success of any community intervention and the strong rapport with the communities that many of these Societies & Trusts enjoy has naturally been built over years of working at the grass-root level.
    That better monitoring is required is understandable, and stricter regulations and strong reporting mechanism can certainly be put in place for all NGOs to adhere to.

  12. Amit Wilson says:

    Societies and Trusts always been assisting Government for the upliftment of weaker sections of our country by enabling them to be an active part in nation’s growth. It is not possible to perform such a big task with one hand

  13. Geeta Malhotra says:

    Under the change mentioned, there are many NGOs registered as Trusts and Societies and have their roots in rural parts of India where they have strong base and network, whether the Corporates through their Foundations can reach and serve the communities to that level.

    The whole purpose of charitable services and empowerment will go the drain.

    Secondly, the number of jobs will go off and keeping in view the present times, do we create unemployability.

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