Representation Letter to Prime Minister on existential issue for the non-profit sector in India

SRRF understands the anguish of all who have commented upon the importance of keeping CSR funds flowing to voluntary sector. Aurobindo society has taken the initiative to write to the Prime Minister on this aspect. Please see the letter on following link (Click to download Representation Letter) that they plan to send to tomorrow itself. If you largely agree with the contents of the letter, please either send a mail to SRRF at ( or just send your name designation, and organisation’s name endorsing the letter. Target is to give a list of 500 NGOs name endorsing the letter. We appeal to all of you who represent their organisation or can request their organisation to put their name on it, we would forward the same to Aurobindo Society, to add your organisation’s name.

Since time is short, letter is being sent tomorrow morning through a Minister, we request you to please endorse it in large numbers. As the letter says it is an existential crisis for the Sector, and we must not hesitate at this moment.

Socio Research & Reform Foundation (NGO)
512 A, Deepshikha, 8 Rajendra Place, New Delhi – 110008

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